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On 7 October 2005, at 12.05 p.m., a Press conference was held at the seat of the National Electoral Commission concerning the Presidential Elections in the Republic of Poland.

The following participated in the conference:


            Chairman NEC                      Judge Ferdynand Rymarz


            Deputy Chairman                  Judge Jan Kacprzak

                                                           Judge Stanisław Kosmal


            Members                               Judge Stefan Jaworski

                                                           Judge Andrzej Kisielewicz

                                                           Judge Włodzimierz Ryms

                                                           Judge Stanisław Zabłocki

                                                           Judge Tadeusz Żyznowski



            Secretary of NEC

Head of the National Electoral Office         Minister Kazimierz Wojciech Czaplicki



The conference was chaired by Judge Ferdynand Rymarz, who presented the information on the status of preparations for the Presidential Elections 2005.

The NEC Chairman informed the journalists that the organizational work related to organization and the course of elections were completed and the election schedule has been carried out in full. The hitherto campaign did not pose any problems to the National Electoral Commission nor any instances of major breaches of the electoral law were noted.

The ballot will be held on Sunday, 9 October 2005 from 6.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

The election silence starts on Friday at midnight and will continue through 8.00 p.m. on Sunday.

In the course of the silence an absolute ban on agitation or publication of election polls prevails. Judge Ferdynand Rymarz provided information on the course of work of NEC on the Election Day. The first conference on Sunday, 9 October 2005 will be at  10.10 a.m. and will be devoted to the early hours of the ballot.

The subsequent conference will be:

at 12.10 p.m. – during which the information on the course and turnout as at 10.30 a.m.  will be presented

at 18.10 p.m.- during which the information on the course and turnout as at 16.30 a.m.

at 20.10 p.m. – during which a summary of the lections will be presented.


NEC expects that provision of partial unofficial results will be possible on the night from 9 to 10 October 2005. As the results in the electronic version are doming into the NEC’s seat, provision of results as prepared by the local polling stations is anticipated, i.e. 10% -between 11-12 p.m., after midnight 24 until the early morning information from 30% ,  60% and 90%  polling stations.

Official results of the Presidential Elections in the Republic of Poland may be anticipated on Monday after all reports from the district electoral commissions hale been delivered.


NEC’s Chairman Ferdynand Rymarz also presented statistical information concerning the electors, electoral committees and candidates in the Presidential Elections in the Republic of Poland.


I. Number of electors (as at 6 October 2005 – at 8 p.m.)

     1.  Number of residents                                                                                              38 028 391

2.   Number of electors                                                                                              30 294 257

3.   Number of electors registered upon application on the elector lists                        29 978

4.   Number of certificates confirming voting rights issued                                            61 132


II. Polling stations

Type of the poling station


Adjusted for the disabled


23 633

4 681










Social Welfare Unit



Branch of prison or remand



Foreign polling station



Poling station on a ship At sea




25 167

4 973

1. Number of members of the local electoral commissions                                          221 840

2. Number of members of the district electoral commissions                                              260


III. Electoral Committees and candidates for the Republic of Poland

Number of electoral committees which information the National Electoral Commission of their establishment                                                                                                                        29

Number of electoral committees whose information of  establishment was rejected by the National Electoral Commission                                                                                                             3

  1. Number of registered candidates for the President of the Republic of Poland                 16
  2. Number of candidates who withdrew their consent for being put forward as a candidate - 3

- CIMOSZEWICZ Włodzimierz

- RELIGA Zbigniew Eugeniusz

- GIERTYCH Maciej Marian

  1. The candidate who died in car accident

- Podrzycki Daniel Tomasz

  1. Number of candidates for the President as at 7 October 2005 - 12

Bochniarz Henryka Teodora

Borowski Marek Stefan

Bubel Leszek Henryk

Ilasz Liwiusz Marian

Kaczyński Lech Aleksander

Kalinowski Jarosław

Korwin-Mikke Janusz Ryszard

Lepper Andrzej Zbigniew

Pyszko Jan

Słomka Adam Andrzej

Tusk Donald Franciszek

TYMIŃSKI Stanisław


IV. Comparative information

Year 1990

Number of candidates - 6

Turnout in the first round  - 60,6%

Turnout in the runoff - 53,4%

Year 1995

Number of candidates - 13

Turnout in the first round  - 64,7%

Turnout in the runoff - 68,2%

Year 2000

Number of candidates - 12

Turnout in the first round  - 61,12%


The Head of the National Electoral Office, Kazimierz Wojciech Czaplicki said that NEO spent PLN 67 300 000 on organization and service of the Presidential Elections. The cost of printing and transporting the ballot cards (

Over 30 million copies) is PLN 1 500 000.  In the event of runoff, additional PLN 51 million will be spent.




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